Submitting a Technology Ticket
Be sure that you are using your MCS credentials on the device that you are using.
Subject Line: Please tell us what the problem is. For example, phone, computer, Chromebook, internet, WiFi, student access, Clever, iStation, Securly, PowerSchool, SchoolStatus, etc. This is how we determine who gets the ticket. Only one issue per ticket.
Chromebook: please include the MCS asset tag number
PowerSchool - please be specific about which part of PS you are referring to.
PS SIS – PowerSchool Student Information Services (formally Chalkable/INow)
PS PTP – PowerSchool PowerTeacher Pro
PS SP – PowerSchool Special Programs (NOTE: contact our Special Ed department for assistance)
PS PL – PowerSchool Professional Learning
PS E - PowerSchool Enrollment
Frontline/AESOP and ESS (Payroll Department) and PS Professional Leave (Human Resources) do not fall under technology. Please contact those offices if you need assistance.
Contact Number: Please provide your school phone extension or cell number - this must be the best way to reach you.
Description: Please provide as much detail as possible. If a student is having an issue, include their name and email address.